General Assembly in German-speaking Switzerland - 2018
General Assembly for the companies affiliated to our foundation: on the 20th September 2018 at Hotel St. Gotthard in Zurich
Part 1: General Assembly and presentation of the annual accounts 2017
presented by Mrs. Isabelle Amschwand (Chair of the Collective Foundation Trianon) and Reto Staeheli (Trianon SA)
Part 2: Training Seminar
presented by the following speakers :
- Ms Veronica Weisser, PhD Economist, Financial Analyst and Pension Expert, UBS, "Is investment diversification still the optimal strategy? What are the risks associated with long-term investments?"
- Ms. Laurence Uttiger, lic. iur., Partner, lic. iur. Lawyer, Niederer Kraft & Frey, "Transparency and Governance in Occupational Benefit Planning, What are the Future Trends?"
- Mr Martin Wagner, eidg. dipl. pension fund expert, Managing Director of the Pension Fund of Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland), "Megatrends in occupational pension provision".
Panel discussion, "Where are we going?"
Veronica Weisser
Laurence Uttiger
Martin Wagner
Dieter Stohler, Director Publica
Hotel St. Gotthard
Bahnhofstrasse 87
8021 Zürich