
General Assembly in French-speaking Switzerland - 2015

General Assembly for the companies affiliated to our foundation: 16 September 2015 in Lausanne at the Olympic Museum

Part 1: General Assembly and presentation of the 2014 annual accounts

presented by Mrs. Isabelle Amschwand (Chair of the Collective Foundation Trianon) and Gilles André (Plan Manager of the CFT)

Part 2: Training Seminar

presented by the following speakers :

  • Mr. Jean Pirrotta, Director of the Cantonal Supervisory Authority for Foundations and Pension Institutions (ASFIP Geneva), "Role and responsibilities of the supervisory authority".
  • Mr Philippe Troesch, Head of Institutional Clients UBS Suisse romande, "Negative interest rates: transmission mechanisms to pension funds".
  • Ms. Angela de Wolff, Founding Partner, Conser Invest SA, "Socially responsible investments".
  • Mr. Giovanni Zucchinetti, Gitec SA, "Flexible annuity model".